Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Argument


The government does not have the right to interfere with a woman's right to discontinue her pregnancy. In many cases, a woman doesn't have a choice. The fetus could develop a defect, mental and physical disabilities. And, yes, an unborn child isn't a baby. It's a fetus.
It does not breathe, it floats around in its mother's womb, living in her, growing. It is not yet a person.
So, why is abortion considered murder?
In many cases, religion teaches people that every life is sacred and murder is bad, blah, blah blah.
But a fetus isn't a person. By having an abortion, you're not killing anyone.

Sometimes a woman has an abortion to save her own life. Sometimes, she can not afford to take care of a child, and in some cases, she is raped and becomes pregnant. The government--nobody--has the right to take away abortion. If abortions are made illegal, one thing that could happen is the rise of back alley abortions. Boyfriends beating the crap out of their girlfriend to kill whatever was living in her. Violence. Death.

Abortion is a woman's life, a woman's choice. Keep abortion safe and legal.