© pregnancy.org
This is what a fetus looks like in the first trimester.
I think the problem with so many people single-minded about abortion is that they think its murder. They think its murder because they are ill informed.
When most abortions occur, the fetus looks little more than a sea monkey. Or, to quote a friend of mine, "It looks like a lizard!"
There are to LEGAL forms of abortion; in clinic, and medication. Both are safe, legal, and effective.
No, a crazy doctor does NOT reach up your uterus and slice the umbilical chord of a fully grown baby, then leave them writhing on a cold metal table to die.
There are several things wring with this; It would probably kill the mother, the fetus is not developed, and it does not even have an umbilical chord.
There's also the morning after pill, taken after sex prevents pregnancy from occurring.
Sorry crazy single-minded pro-lifers.